Monthly Archives: January 2023

Monthly book roundup – 2022 December

Books finished in December:
(Warning: reviews are unpolished and quickly written.)

The Ukrainian and Russian Notebooks: Life and Death Under Soviet Rule (2016) by Igort. Originally two books, published in 2010 and 2011. The Ukrainian notebooks tell the story of Ukrainians who suffered and died during the Holodomor, the 1932-33 famine inflicted on Ukraine by Stalin/Soviet, in which millions perished. The Russian notebooks are even more harrowing. There, Igort follows the journalist and human rights activist Anna Politkoyskaya and her work covering the abuse, torture and rape going on in Chechnya from the Second Chechen war in 1999-2000 and onwards. Recommended, but be prepared to feel sick during and after reading.

Kikkeren: Tegnede noveller (2012) by Yoshimiro Tatsumi. Wanted to read a Japanese comic that was not mange to prepare for a trip to Japan. These short stories, mostly about Japanese men with various forms of frustrations and problems and of various degree of likeability, did not appeal to me.

Ratings and previous books are in the library.